About Elle Limebear
About Elle Limebear
Elle Limebear has lived her life between two worlds. As the daughter of Delirious? front man, Martin Smith, Elle has experienced first-hand the thrill of stadiums filled with people while on tour around the world. As a worship leader and youth pastor in Brighton, UK, she is immersed in a close-knit, daily ministry within her community. She grew up seeing the global church and her local church worshipping God simultaneously.
“There I was, overcome with emotion in a sea of people worshiping God with everything inside of them. This wasn’t a new experience for me, but this time it was different than all of the times before. God had just injected me with a new dream. I had heard him say, ‘I am going to lead you in something similar to this.’ With that revelation came a rush of new ideas, new ambitions, and songs.”
That was at Outcry Festival 2017.